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Basic information for international students

Work through the student service is based on a referral, which is a legal basis for student work, so you must always request it before starting work.

It’s crucial to order the referral on time, as working without it is considered "illegal work," and in the case of an inspection, both you (the student) and the employer will be fined.

You can order the referral online. You only need to know the company's name and the type of work.

A referral is also required for training periods.

You receive the referral electronically.

We send you a notification on your phone with a link to the referral (it opens as a PDF), and it is also visible and accessible in your profile.

The employer confirms (electronically signs) the referral in the e-business portal for companies.

You will see the confirmation on the referral in your referral overview and receive a notification on your phone once the referral is issued.

If you did not need the referral, inform us via email at [email protected].

In the email, include your first and last name, as well as the company/organization where you were supposed to work.

  • The employer can find the referral in the e-business portal and print it out.

  • If you need to show the referral, you have it on your phone. You can find the notification with the link to the referral or log into your profile, where you will find the referral under the Overview of Referrals.

If you are performing different types of work for the same employer, you can have multiple referrals with different job types.

If you work for multiple employers, you can have multiple referrals issued for each different employer.

A separate employment contract between employers and high school/university students is not required.

The referral serves as a replacement for the contract, so you do not need to sign any additional agreements.

If the employer specifically requests a paper version in addition to the electronic referral, you can print it out yourself for the fastest solution.

Alternatively, you can also contact us, and we can print it out and send it to you.

Kako podaljšam status?

Piši nam na [email protected] ali pokliči na najbližjo poslovalnico.


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